Three goals for followers of Jesus

Walk with Jesus 

    • Jesus invites us to increasingly be aware of him throughout the day and walk with him.  The Bible uses phrases like “walking”, “abiding”, and “keeping in step.”  Ancient followers of Jesus called this “practicing the presence of God” 

Become like Jesus 

    • Jesus invites us to allow our inner world to be changed so that our character, values, and disposition are transformed.  As our inner life becomes more like Jesus this flows out into all our relationships and living into the teachings of Jesus 

Join in what Jesus is doing 

    • Jesus invites us to see and participate in what He is doing around us. Play your part. Fulfill your call. Make your contribution to the church and the world.

We believe that as we live in this way, things change- ourselves, our community, our world! 

Following Jesus is an entire life pursuit.  As a church we have a number of pathways to assist you as you follow Him with others.  All of these relate to Jesus invitation to walk with him, become more like him, and join in what he is doing. 

Four Pathways 

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  1. Sunday worship 9:30 am (Sermon Series)

    • Sunday gatherings are the primary way we gather as a church to worship together, learn from Scripture, pray for one another, and create space to hear from the Spirit. Everyone is welcome. 
  1. Groups (small groups, age specific groups, etc) 

    • We believe that it is important to follow Jesus together with a smaller group of people- for encouragement, support, and discovery 
    • We have a variety of ways that we meet in groups- some age specific, some affinity, others mixed.   
    • Twice a year we launch new groups through a 3 week “Live connected” training.  We offer onramps to new groups during late September and late January.  Stay tuned for upcoming dates. 
  1.  Formation Resources

    • We provide helpful resources for both individuals and groups that guide in our next steps with Jesus. 
  1.  Formation Experiences

    • Several times a year we offer opportunities to focus on a specific aspect of our journey with Jesus.   
    • The next is scheduled Nov.23,24,25 “Live Full-how to guided and empowered by the Spirit” 
    • Click on tab for details.